Reaching Your D.R.E.A.M.S.
Dynamic, Realizable Efforts to Attain and Maintain Success.
DreamCatchers ™ ABC DreamPrograms
- Support in attaining GED, certificate, higher degree, coaching, study groups, tutoring, intervention services to secure academic goals
- Sueños high school homeschooling intervention services, credit recovery, career pathways to assist at-risk youth in attainment of HS diploma
- Finance, savings, credit repair and maintenance, investment portfolio, housing and homeownership educational programs
- Integrative holistic services, nutritional, and quality food with mind, body, spirit and home environment services
- Individual, family, group, trainings and telehealth hybrid platforms ensuring services delivered to those at-risk
- Social, emotional literacy, parent child interaction, substance abuse, anger issues, self-esteem, attachment and assertiveness classes
- Authentic career experiences while pursuing ABC Career Development Ladder Goals based on aptitude, ability and assessments
- On-the job training with DreamTeam, DreamPartners and DreamBusinesses weaving ABC intervention services for long-term success
- Real world opportunities to earn income with our fundraising programs to learn skills to become entrepreneurs as business owners
Inspired by the Need for Solutions
“Fostering equal opportunities and inclusion.”
DreamCatchers™ D.R.E.A.M.S provides services to at-risk individuals utilizing an online platform. Our Academic, Behavior and Career (ABC) Development services are delivered by superbly trained staff and qualified professionals in the safety of your home through online platforms.
Our four pillar programs, DreamHome, DreamLaw, DreamHealth and DreamLife provide integrative services healing the entire family system.
Our holistic DreamPrograms support at-risk individuals in fulfilling their potential.
DreamHome- Designed to provide housing as a basic need to those at risk. Our goal is to bring affordable housing and homeownership opportunities for at-risk individuals and their family with On-the-Job Training (OJT) program
- DreamREAL- Distressed and vacant home rehabilitation programs with “Aging in Place” design and homeownership prequalification procedure
- DreamCommUNITY- Integrative healing communities servicing at-risk families with ABC solutions to identified barriers targeting specific populations
- DreamScapes- Landscape, gardening and hydroponic greenhouse solutions, organic produce and homeowner education and support programs
DreamLaw- Created to provide a holistic approach to domestic violence at supporting those at risk by incorporating the legal system, psychological and medical resources to help victims and those facing infractions heal and thrive. Family mediation, divorce care, substance abuse and victim advocate services with On-the-Job Training (OJT) program
- DreamCare- Divorce care program, single-parent connections with credit, finance, investments, housing, insurance, co-parenting classes
- DreamAdvocate- Connections with healing classes to assist victims in learning how to thrive and create strategies to live life to their fullest potential
- DreamRevive- Substance abuse rehabilitation program treating entire family dysfunction in healing system, stopping intergenerational addiction and abuse
DreamHealth- Evolved to support those at risk by creating a holistic solution with mindfulness programs, apps, organic food and diet, medical and behavioral health resources to construct an informed trauma treatment support system to heal. Providing integrative health solutions for mind, body, spirit and home environment holistic services with On-the-Job Training (OJT) program
- DreamKids- Program dedicated to at-risk children from birth to age eleven providing ABC interventions and solutions to develop healthy habits and choices
- DreamYouth- Program dedicated to at-risk youth ages 12-24 providing ABC interventions and solutions for attainment of HS diploma, certificate, degree
- DreamFamily- Program dedicated to servicing whole family with ABC solutions to overcome identified barriers with integrative intervention services
- DreamVeterans-Program dedicated to servicing at-risk veterans with ABC solutions for housing, career, medical, behavioral and family integrative services
- DreamSeniors-Program dedicated to servicing at-risk seniors with housing, medical, behavioral, independent living support and integrative services
- DreamWeavers-Program dedicated to education and growth of quality food with nutritional assessments supporting integrative health and wellness
- DreamHaven Homes- Program dedicated to servicing the entire family with ABC interventions changing intergenerational dysfunction into healthy lifestyles
DreamLife- Created to support an Academic, Behavior and Career (ABC) Development program with various career paths supported by DreamPartners. Together we help at risk students and individuals reach their potential following their ABC Career Development Ladder. Programs to assist at-risk individuals in actualizing D.R.E.A.M.S. and have the skills to fulfill their potential at each stage of life with On-the-Job Training (OJT) program
- DreamCar- exotic and supercar raffles to increase awareness about DreamCatchers ™ and connect at-risk individuals with solutions to overcome ABC barriers
- DreamSchool- Sueños STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Medicine) homeschool interventions, tutoring, credit recovery, career pathways, project-based learning, and authentic career mentoring
- DreamChasers- Our drone and video program with intergenerational engagement and competition for those 16 years and older
- DreamEsports- Our online e-sports gaming program to support intergenerational engagement and competitions
- DreamInvestment- Program to create financial portfolio for every stage of life, learning budget, savings, investment for financial independence and success with credit repair, maintenance and support services
- DreamShop- Program to teach entrepreneur skills and develop business plans culminating in skills to be an effective business owner, proceeds from sale of hand-made items support at-risk individuals as they pursue their ABC goals outlined in their career development ladder
- DreamEvent- “Clear the Air” Campaign and event fundraisers to advocate for those at-risk utilizing various media platforms and call to action for paradigm shifts in breaking stigmas and stereotypes of at-risk individuals