About Us

DreamCatchers ™ PHILOSOPHY

DreamCatchers™ D.R.E.A.M.S. is a nonprofit corporation that partners with public education, private schools, higher learning institutions and communities to assist at-risk individuals in reaching their D.R.E.A.M.S. Dynamic, Realizable, Efforts to Attain and Maintain Success. Our program teaches practical, real-world knowledge to spur creativity and greater engagement in learning and career exploration. DreamCatchers™ program participants will learn to make the connection between education and enjoyment of life; and they will set goals to reach their potential as successful career-minded individuals.

About Us

DreamCatchers™ D.R.E.A.M.S. is an innovative tax-exempt nonprofit designed as an organization dedicated to developing evidence-based integrated programs to improve at-risk lives.

DreamCatchers™ believes a united focus creates leadership and opportunities for the attainment of new skill sets which directly support building the foundation for each program participant’s future success. It is a life-changing initiative with perpetual community rewards. With the support of our DreamPartners we create an iterative cycle of revitalization of lives and homes through individualized success plans.

Together, our DreamTeam inspires communities to unite in a synergistic connection supported by governments, higher education, businesses, agencies, faith-based organizations and other entities through a dynamic initiative serving those at-risk. DreamCatchers™ reallocates, synergizes and solves identified needs. Collectively, we uncover employment and life barriers so our DreamTeam can deliver timely solutions.

DreamCatchers™ is a proactive answer for filling community’s at-risk needs. Our DreamPrograms create opportunities for a thriving connected future. We are helping at-risk individuals and the community they live in realize their D.R.E.A.M.S. This is accomplished through our scaffolding strategy. It is a step-by-step process outlined in weekly Academic, Behavior and Career (ABC) Career Development Ladder Goals. When followed it ends in long-term employment in their career field or building skills for their successful lifestyle. Our DreamPartners provide leadership opportunities in On-the-Job Training (OJT) with ABC interventions, support and resources.

DreamCatchers™ believes it is the perfect time for a paradigm shift. Together we can change attitudes to one that is united, connected and focused, revitalizing one life at a time. An integrated trauma-informed strategy is focused on supporting social equity, creating a sustainable future for each community serviced. DreamCatchers™ D.R.E.A.M.S is the solution to at-risk individuals fulfilling their potential as they catch their dream and make it a reality.